الشركة الطبية العربية العالمية القابضة
Bought at
Signal History
Pattern & Confirmation Chart for the Last 6 Months
Signal Update
Our system’s recommendation today is to STAY LONG. The previous BUY signal was issued on 13/10/2024, 8 days ago, when the stock price was 36.62. Since then 9530 has risen by +5.13%.
Market Outlook
The market is uncertain with a negative tilt. The traders seem to be in disagreement. The negative sentiment, however, is increasing as evident from the last bearish pattern. So, it is better to be on alert. The share price is still not below the confirmation level and the signal is suggesting to STAY LONG, but the chance of a bearish confirmation that will change the signal to <SELL is quite high. The Delayed Intraday Module is ON. We strongly suggest you to follow the price action on an intraday basis, given the downside risks involved.
Pattern Description
This is a major bearish reversal pattern, which is even more significant than a regular Bearish Harami. The outline again looks like a pregnant woman, as with the Bearish Harami Pattern. However, now the baby is a Doji. Basically, the pattern is characterized by a white body followed by a Doji that is completely inside the range of the prior white body. more...

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